Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Selling Something

Just a one-off of this human prison idea. 
This time from the perspective of the body's owner.


  1. Now that's a great concept! Well done man

  2. I LOVE this concept!

    And I think it's very realistic. Because I bet a lot of people would sign up to be a 'prisoner host' if they were getting $100K per year for it, even though it is such an extreme invasion of privacy.

    It actually reminds me of a Black Mirror episode I saw, but in that the 'prisoner' was a comatose wife instead of an actual criminal. But very similar concept.

    Hope to see more :)

    1. Glad you liked it! Hoping to do more at some point. I agree that it's a pretty rough price to pay to have someone invade your privacy like this---even if they aren't really there in the traditional way.

  3. So if his mind is trapped in her body, in a new kind of prison, does that mean the government sells off his (new just a shell of a body) to the highest bidder? It would make a great way to fund the prison system.

    1. Oh that is an interesting idea. Good fodder for a later idea!

  4. Neat concept! I hope you keep exploring it. What might the long term side effects be? Maybe someone takes a blow to the head/gets electrocuted/something like that and the "prisoner"...escapes? Takes control? Lots of neat things to explore!

  5. Fascinating! This concept really inspired me a couple months ago, so I went and expanded on it a bit:
