Friday, November 30, 2012

Maximizing Gain

Extra packed update today!
Here's to the most captions I've done in a month since June!

Oh - and thanks for riding this month out with me and being awesome guys!
Your comments encouraged me to keep captioning. ^.^


  1. Who was it who said "Guys don't make passes / At girls who wear glasses"? Oh yeah, now I remember - it was some total and complete idiot. Nice! ^_^

  2. Good job on the cap. That is the most logical argument I have heard for swapping bodies.

  3. What happened to that body's original owner?

    1. Just to reiterate, I don't usually like to comment on questions about caps' stories, as I want your imaginations to fill in the gaps. However, for your comment I'd like to clarify, just because I meant for this to be more clear than it was. ;D

      The original owner traded her body up for (what she thought) was a good price. So now, you can assume she's in the body of the "nerdy" guy here. Makes you wonder how much she got from him...


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