Thursday, March 21, 2013

Do it Myself

Part 1

Part 2


  1. Nice job on the cap set, I liked the story.

  2. If i had been ted they would be needed another coach because me and maggie would be one! Racel

  3. I always came here for the f2f, will you be doing those any more?

    1. Lol, when you posted this I had done an F2F in the update I did two updates ago.

      Quick PSA:
      I love F2Fs. Love em just as much if not more than M2Fs, F2Ms, M2Ms. Not only that, I know the lack of F2F caption sites out there. Don't fear guys and gals... the day I stop liking (and therefore posting) F2F caps, will also be the day you guys stop liking them (aka, never).

      All in all, if I go an update or three without an F2F, that doesn't mean I'm abandoning them! Lol, I love the check-ups Anonymous (and I know it's just an innocent question), but don't lose hope in me. ^.^;

    2. Speaking as a fan since you opened the site I prefer M2F and hope to keep seeing plenty. I don't mind the F2F but it seems like there has been an excessive amount lately.


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