Friday, March 15, 2013

Exchange Island - Family Edition

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3


  1. Great job, I enjoyed the story and pics. I especially liked the dialogue exchanges and the relationship between the brother and sister at the end.

  2. Really nice job with this cap, I love the dialogue as well particularly since the children are showing more maturity than the parents.

  3. This is my favorite out of your caps. It has M2F as well as F2F and it has mother/daughter and husband/wife. Also, even in new bodies, the brother and sister get along as sisters(if their bodies are actually sisters rather than friends). Plus the brother is so calm in a female body and they don't tell their parents what bodies they're in. Basically, this has everything I like in a TF cap. Great job! And the pics are great!

    1. Thanks so much! I actually forgot all about this caption...


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