Saturday, July 25, 2015

Like the Change

"Can you do something with this pic: I'm thinking something along the lines of a body swap or body hopper where the swapper loves her body but he couldn't stand the long hair so he decides to cut it off, the rest (like why he is wearing that dress in her body) is up to you. (p.s. A minor detail I would like to add: please make it that nobody is aware he is inhabiting her body)."

The picture for this caption was also requested.


  1. Hmm, fantastic. Looks like her friend is next in line ;)

  2. Can you make a son/mom caption with this one pic : ?

  3. I've been reading your blog for sometime now and it is awesome! I was wondering if you could do a cap with this pick maybe it could be about a soviets ghost who learned to take life one body hop at a time


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