Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Real Me

Brad from The Swapping Grounds gave me another picture
for a picture trade (the picture from Part 2). Little did he (or I)
know, but that picture spoke so much to me... so much, that I 
actually saw myself in the picture--well, to those who are 
into the "real you" caps, I mean that it spoke to the way I
felt the "real" me looked, if I could choose. So... I ended up
writing a caption getting at that!

But with that I wanted to make a call for people interested
in giving ONE picture of a person who they also think fits the
"real" them. I want to add this type of request to my Rolodex,
where you basically just give me a picture and tell me why
you think that picture fits the real you--whatever the reason.
You can email me if you're interested.

In the meantime, I'll share the below with you so you all
can get a sense of the way I would want to look if 
I had the choice... (which is apparently a skinny, pretty
model, but I swear it's more nuanced than that!)

Part 1

Part 2


  1. She looks a lot like Hannah New...

    1. It's interesting cause when I look Hannah New up, I don't have the same pull to her as I do with this woman. I think it's something about how she looks really vacuous in some of her pictures, which is often how I feel. But then, when you look a bit more closely, I feel like she looks like she has a lot going on under those eyes of hers.

      I also like how standoffish she seems, which is weird to say, lol, but again how being an attractive blonde almost forces her to seem like someone you want to approach. That's just some more nonsense off the cuff, but I just feel it in my gut!

  2. I'm having difficulty finding your contact information. What email address would you like the request sent to?

    1. Check out this post for the email:

  3. Lovely,
    I wish you all the best in your journey.

    1. I'm not sure the journey you reference but thank you!!

  4. Powerful stuff man! Got me thinking about what female body would best represent me. Hmmmmmmmm

  5. I just now read this and I think the idea behind it is fascinating. How would you look if you could choose? I also like how you left this caption open for a second one if you wanted to do it.


    1. Yeah it's the same as the "real you" caps I've made before, but it's just in regards to me, personally. I actually think several types of women fit me well... but something about this one just spoke to me! Hence why I'm curious who "speaks" to others, and *why*.


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