Monday, January 27, 2020

Homewrecker | Part 2 (of 2)

Part 2A

Part 2B

Part 2C
Links: Part 1


  1. is there going to be a 3rd part to this story thanks

  2. Such an amazing ending! Really loved this caption and can't wait to see what other F2F stories you have waiting to be written!

    1. when are u going to start reposting bodyswaps again on ur post its been well over a mouth

    2. Yay! Thanks for the nice comment The Swapper! I'm always happy to see people who love reading F2Fs and I'm glad you enjoyed this one.

    3. I always enjoy same-sex swaps, honestly! They're just so scarce to find within the sea of M2Fs.

    4. Agreed!!That's why I try to write so many on this blog.

      Not to reveal too much about myself or be too controversial, but I kind of find women to be more interesting than men in just about every way, personally... so it's difficult not excluding men from my caps, lol

  3. can u do a follow up from the friends when she finds out her body was stolen by the bride

    1. But if you already know what happens, what's the point of me writing the follow-up? Lol, I think it'd be cool if YOU wrote it since it sounds like you have a sense of what you'd want in a follow-up!

    2. i would not know how to write this type of follow up i never did one before and and i dont were u got the got pics of the friend at

    3. Have at it!

  4. I absolutely love this series! I could totally see a sequel where the girls get revenge and switch around the six of them- all swapping their bodies!

    1. Ah yes, a younger tehswitcher would have certainly had the bandwidth to write something with a six(!) person swap. But now I feel like I can hardly handle the stuff you see me posting.

      I will mention though, I'm often down for people who want to join up with me to make sequels like this! If I just have to write one portion of the cap or something, lol.

  5. Once again, this is one of my favorite caption. I'm not as into f2f since I prefer m2f, but the twist to this story was really well written and now I'm quite interested in more f2f caps like this. :)

    Gj tehswitcher


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