Friday, April 23, 2021


Another randomized set of tags. 
This one was: coworker & swapped at birth



  1. Nice to see Chip enjoying his life.

    1. Lol, screw Chip! I think he's gloating on this one a bit too much.

  2. Great concept with those two randomly picked tags. Downside of being Swapped at Birth, what the other person ends up doing with your body before you can get it back. Also, the longer it takes to find out the older your correct body gets and less you get to experience your life.

    1. Yep yep -- all sorts of things can go wrong with this if you don't get to the body quick enough. Or heck, maybe when you see what the person made you, you're not even interested.

  3. While Swapped at Birth is an interesting concept, I always found it quite odd. If this were a real issue, I feel like both of the swapped people would have to agree to switch back due to how many different factors are involved.

    1. You would think so, but I bet it'd be a pretty contested legal debate. It would come down to who technically owns the body. The person who grew into their identity through the body they grew up in, or the person who was supposed to be in that body in the first place. It's a real nature vs. nurture debate the self that would probably determine who gets the ownership in the end.

      My personal opinion? I think it should be that the person who grew up in the body has no right to the other person's body. It's not like there is some kind of match that your brain has at birth with your body, right? Ah, unanswerable questions...

  4. Can you use more pictures of women wearing watches in your captions?

    1. Such a specific request... I can try to remember that but I hardly ever notice that particular aspect.


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