Thursday, April 5, 2012

Nightly Swap Club (Part 3)

So many women in one caption! Oh my-- :o

Part 3


  1. Kris' body is really cute... Too bad we don't see well Tina's body on this cap.
    I hope we'll know what is the "unfinished business" Celest talking about.
    How many member have the Nighlty Swap Club ? I hope it's not only four :p

    1. Too many swaps one eachnight? Madness!also work on motivations for younger people wanting or agreing to swap with older ones.
      Like MONEY, or perhaps a horrible situation like a drunk & or abusive parent or husband.

      Those intersted can read a well reveived f/f body swap club on Fictionmania. 6 diverse women swap bodies & live for 6 days every month. All but one of the swaps were intitally willing except the last one - that of a VERY BEAUTIFUL YOUNG WOMAN with a handsome husband.

      here's the URL

    2. @Freakazoid - Agreed about Kris! Lol, sadly I only included these four girls in the club. But I might revisit this idea some time later in a different story & way (maybe throwing in a guy D: ).

      @eotten - Yeah, this story is pretty crazy, as these gals are swapping each night. Since it's random, I couldn't really think of how to include intention or motivation for the swaps. I think the common motivation for Celest & Tina is to be able to have sex w/ other people (since both of them have significant others), as you can see from their caps. As for Kris & Jen, I would think it's simply to experience someone else's life and body (you should be able to see they're a bit tamer).

      I'll check the story out too. Thanks for the link!


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