Monday, June 2, 2014

Your Choice - Trigger Finger

You were just so curious. Always had to put your hands on 
things that weren't yours. This time, the consequences would be 
tremendous. You saw the gun sitting there and found it laughable 
that what looked like a LEGO structure was left on the floor 
of your high school gym. You decided to pick the thing up and play 
with it... but as you were doing so, someone popped up 
behind you scaring you into pulling the trigger on them!
Who was it that snuck up on you?

Remember to click the "your choice" label to see others I've done in the past.


  1. Oh yes! This was a perfect idea. Loved it! More stuff like this in the future.

  2. Wonderful! I loved it! Keep them coming!

  3. Well done, man. Glad I chose D haha

  4. Amazing! So well done - keep the Costume Gun coming, please!

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  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Really great. Love this idea


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