Saturday, February 21, 2015

Friends Make Mistakes

"Could u please make a swap class caption about a guy called Liam who swaps with his best friend Dana and he accidentally gets permanently stuck in her body"


  1. every good story & use ofpic. well told

  2. Could u do one for me where I switched with my mom I don't care what photos u use

  3. Wow thanks that's an awesome caption
    From Liam La Rosa

  4. rlly good caption.It´s my favourite of this year(but afterall this is the 2 month of the year XD)
    Could u do a caption where two teenagers(a boy and a girl) who are friends accidentally swap bodies and because of a mistake of the girl they are trapped in each other´s body forever but then they fell in love with each other and they give each other their first kiss and start going out.i know it can be a difficult caption but i would appreciate it so much(if it could have no naked pictures better)
    thank u


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