Sunday, February 1, 2015


Changed this request up a tad.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3
"Hi, could you do one where a hard drinking/heavy smoking bad girl swaps bodies with a cute, sweet and nerdy asian girl, and rather than trying to clean up her act she keeps her bad habits and ruins the nerdy girls reputation? "


  1. Requester here.

    This looks great, your interpretation definitely made it a better story i think.

    You're the best!

  2. Really like how you blended the bodies and minds, leading to a change in(well implied) both of them. Could have all sorts of interesting results depending on the bodies, the ages, and the genders ;) Would love to see more along these lines, even if this was a request.

    1. Cool cool cool! Yeah, I always forget to blend minds in caps, so this request was good to force me into it.

  3. that other girl is lucky to get shielas body


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