Sunday, September 1, 2019

Selfie | Part 1 (of 2)

Captioner needs excuse for using so many pics of selfies...
Captioner makes up silly story about a selfie hopper...

Part 1A

Part 1B

Part 1C

Part 1D


  1. What an interesting way to get rid of selfie pics! Can't wait to see what happens in Part 2!

    1. Lol, yeahhh, I mean there are just SO many...
      Feel free to steal the idea!

  2. Interesting new series. Tawny should have stayed in the first body, she's going to have to deal with new family regardless of the body she finally pics. I think if you are going to continue this there should be a variety of body types . . . to include men. Just to keep it interesting.

    1. 1st body was a pret-ty good one, I would agree.
      And Zapper... Zapper Zapper Zapper... if I had my way this blog would have men in almost every M2F and F2M caption! Oh, and there would be M2Ms too... but alas, I am a bit avoidant of the comments that would come.

      But yes, there are so many body types out there. I could imagine something going on for 200-captions long honestly, but I just can't keep stuff like that up.

  3. lol this is how my Remote's Journey series started. I had a ton of pics I couldn't think of anything to do with and I wanted to get rid of them and made a story that just jumped from one to the next.

    Can't wait for part 2! And maybe 3 and 4 and 5 hehe

    1. HA-ha. Yeah I don't really know if I have the attention span to do a parts 3 through forever. I don't know how you do it!

      But yeah, it's so funny how these stories get started sometimes right?!

  4. I would have kept the Asian body...but hey maybe a better one will come along.

  5. Getting rid of? Theyre great. I always love the selfie ones. If I were a woman Id be incredibly vain and Id love it.

  6. I love this idea. I wouldn't mind seeing a M2F to start. What better way to find a hot female body than one taking a selfie. I just might borrow this when I start up my blog.


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