Sunday, September 8, 2019


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3


  1. Replies
    1. poor son, he's losing both his mom and girlfriend.
      Stacy in Dora is not going to be a good mom, she's probably going to have a heart attack right after this cap.
      Dora in Stacy is not going to stay as his girlfriend, she is probably going to break up with him and run away with some dude.

      Although; Dora in Stacy could reveal she's his mom, blame the swap on the now dead Stacy, hang around as his new best friend (having your mom be hot and young would be fun), marry his now widow dad and set him up with an even hotter chick that she approves.

      Girlfriend for a younger mom is a fair tradeoff

  2. Oh, cool temptation story. lol - looks like she just needed and excuse to give in and keep her new found youth.

  3. Dora in Stacy plan to stay to be girlfriend with this man and she would be together with him and get pregnant with him whose she thought she want take care or protect him over time in the way and see if she wants him to marry her someday.

    Stacy in Dora is not really around and really get lost about that after she is switched from the original in right away and confused in her life now.


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