Monday, May 12, 2014

Amazing Shape


  1. Talk about a Shift Upgrade; Lucky Bastard. >:)

  2. I really like the idea of out of shape and average looking men and women, morphing into or possessing very in shape people. Please do more of these, they're great. There's a woman I work with who constantly comments about one of the other younger women who is a coworker of ours as well. The younger woman is in incredible shape and the older one has told me numerous times, "I'd love to see what it's like to workout as her" and "I bet it would be fun going out as her."

    1. Oh boy, those are the kind of things that get me all excited when I hear them in real life. I'll try and do my best to get something like that out and capped.

    2. If you'd like Switcher, I can email you some of the conversations (what I remember off the top of my head) we've had. They're pretty interesting and I think they'd probably inspire a few caps.

    3. I'm not ashamed to admit, I'd definitely like that!


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